Grow Deep With Me

May you love all you are, with all you are

"My philosophy revolves around the importance of self-discovery, profound exploration, continual self-improvement, and embracing unconditional self-love as the ultimate guide"

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What people are saying about me

Lovie is a compassionate guide when on the path to inner peace. I hold much gratitude that she has chosen our retreat to share her wisdom and teachings.

Sanjay Hackett
Swami's Yoga Retreat- Owner

Lovie is so full of light and love that it floods out of her and into her students with ease.

Olivia Morris
Workshop Facilitating Partner

What a gift Lovie has, and what a gift she has chosen to share it. Working with Lovie is freeing, evolving and life changing. 

Marine LeBris
Colleague and Workshop Facilitating Partner